Sunday, May 5

Asian Escorts safety tips

Like any other profession, becoming an escort is also a profession and like other professional career lines, providing escort services also has its risks.

Asian escorts service has a lot of money to earn, but it includes traveling to which increases one risk factor of travelling to unknown places and unknown clients thus there are several safety tips that an escort should follow provided by escort agencies and other professional asian escorts serice.

The agency provides some escort safety tips. These are:-

While working as an escort, every time you go out for an escort service always keep an anonymous identity with you. Your client can be of any mindset and thus it is recommended to keep your private life out of your escort life. Thus your name, identity, background, everything is anonymous to protect yourself from unhealthy clients.

Always use a prepaid or a disposable phone while contacting clients, sending or receiving any messages, as it can be dangerous and used to track personal information.

Always take advance payment for your services, and if any client doesn’t pay in advance or force you to provide your services before payment, just cancel the service. Some clients refuse to pay the cash and run away thus it is recommended to take payment before work.

Only accept payment through cash for your safety and also the safety of clients, and always count and check each currency note with a banknote pen checker as in some places, counterfeit or illegal money is used for these services.

Always do complete research and background checks of the client before meeting him/her in person, ask them about their name and id proof and confirm the authenticity of the details to be sure about whether your client is a safe person to go with or not.

Do proper screening of each client you meet, it takes time and experience so take help from professionals in your starting period as an escort.

Always carry high-quality protection if you are going to provide any sexual services to your clients.

Travel only through own or public transport like taxi, if any client insists to drop or give you a ride, immediately say no. And at last but important, learn when to say no as it is your consent that you want to provide services to any client or not.

Escorting becomes difficult for some people because you work as a stranger and daily you need to meet and work with strangers who have several safety issues. The best safety measure you can take is to get proper knowledge before entering into this field.

source :- asian escorts in las vegas

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